What To Wear: To job interview
Landed a major job interview? Don’t have your clothes let you down!

Lauren Brain

Jun 27, 2014 11:25
by Lauren Brain

They say you only get one chance to make a first impression, and this is certainly true when it comes to job interviews. From a ‘casual’ coffee to a formal panel interview, the stress of it all is enough to bring on hives in even the toughest of women.

No matter your skill level, looking the part undeniably plays a role. Sure, you want to say the right things, but employers will also take away from the interview all non-verbal cues, from body language to tone, and of course, the way you’re presented.

If you’re up for a new job soon, here are a few points to consider when dressing for the interview.

The creative job

Lucky you! Workplaces in the creative industry often allow, no, require your personality to shine through. Don’t go spending hundreds on a suit you’ll wear once then shove in the back of your wardrobe for the next few years. And don’t be afraid to wear colour and print, as long as you keep it smart and appropriate. No miniskirts!

The corporate job

It sounds easy, but this can be the hardest wardrobe to execute. Corporate offices expect tailoring and clean lines – nothing too flashy. Would-be staff should be very well put together, so opt for classic silhouettes and a muted palette.

The in-betweeneer

Going for a job that’s not quite corporate, but not too casual either? Feel free to experiment a little more with colour for this interview. Try and suss out what other staff might wear to the office. And when in doubt – add a blazer. It’ll smarten up your look in an instant.

The fashion job

Going after your dream job? You live and breathe (and have likely studied) fashion and now it’s time to interview for that stylist/buyer/visual merch role. The pressure is well and truly ON to showcase your personal style. When in doubt, go for a modern take on classic pieces, like a pencil skirt in neoprene, printed silk or leather.

If you fall in the category of workers who wear a uniform to work (health/government/hospitality etc.), it doesn’t mean your interview outfit is irrelevant. Presentation is important and that includes hair, makeup and even your choice of shoes. Dress like the kind of person they’d want to hire, and feel confident and polished.

Now, just one more thing …
Good luck!

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